Alleged Extortion By Gene That Would be Considered Transactional Politics for the White Politicos                                                         GetGoogleCustomSearch(); AdGroup1(); AdGroup2(); AdGroup3(); AdGroup4(); checkStickyAdCookie();  AdGroup14();             GetHorizontalMenu1();  AdGroup15();  GetLogo();   GetDate(null, '');     #1 Source For Hudson County Political Insider News    GetUnauthorisedAccessText();  start(); GetSubMenuHeader166();  Alleged Extortion By Gene That Would be Considered Transactional Politics for the White Politicos  GetArticleDate("3/6/2018");             The stories of Gene McKnight are relentless today, he has become the proverbial punching bag for the “righteous” politicos.It's common knowledge when seeking a political job that it's not what you know, it’s more about who you know, and the things you must do in order to keep the job ($).Look at the City payroll and you will see tons of political hacks or family members residing on the politically connected payroll.Yes, Gene has a past, which some believe should have never granted him the opportunity to attain employment with a Taxpayer Funded Non-Profit. Arguably that may be true, but let us not forget how others have been granted employment.For years City and County workers have all received requests for campaign donations. We have heard stories how government workers are required to make contributions to the HCDO and other Democratic organizations. We also have heard allegations how City workers are demoted or sent to Siberia when not contributing to candidate ELEC accounts.McKnight could be guilty of simply explaining to these ex-offenders what is expected, and what has become the norm in one of the most politically and morally corrupt Counties in the country.What amazes me is how we as citizens are quick to devour the easiest pick of the hanging fruit in this political cesspool of Hague City.McKnight being fired should now lead us to examine the whole culture of patronage in Hudson.McKnight asking ex-felons to support an African American political club in which he maintained since 2013, I will not frown upon. I am sure his hands are not the only ones stained.But I do have questions for the politicos that benefited from the advocacy of the MLK Drive political clubhouse.Candidates who have profiteered due to Mcknight's political acumen should have sought clarification on how this club was being funded.Some have inquired who could be the Architects of the Ward F Leader's attempted political assassination. This is a well played but blatant attempt to seize power and influence from McKnight. My guess is a black operative who seeks more influence and power. I have a short list I will reveal at a later time.      1 .pagedropcap {float:none;}  GetSubMenuFooter166();  AdGroup11(); GetHighlights2(); AdGroup13();     GetFooterMenu61(); GetContactInformation(); { powered by }  GetGoogleAnalytics('PAGE:alleged_extortion_by_gene_that_would_be_considered_transactional_politics_f');