Alston: The Pillars of Hope are Broken in Jersey City                                                         GetGoogleCustomSearch(); AdGroup1(); AdGroup2(); AdGroup3(); AdGroup4(); checkStickyAdCookie();  AdGroup14();             GetHorizontalMenu1();  AdGroup15();  GetLogo();   GetDate(null, '');     #1 Source For Hudson County Political Insider News    GetUnauthorisedAccessText();  start(); GetSubMenuHeader166();  Alston: The Pillars of Hope are Broken in Jersey City  GetArticleDate("1/31/2018");             Last night, Massachusetts’s Congressman Joe Kennedy gave an audacious plan, "echoing" hope is still alive for America. However, the question today is whether hope in Jersey City and its surrounding Cities is dimming.The foundational pillars of any city should be its public educational system, public safety departments, and its stable tax rates. Here in Jersey City, all three are under attack or have been neglected far too long in this bustling model for mid-city economic development.Public School teachers are engaged in contentious contract negotiations with a highly paid superintendent ($360K annual salary) who is repeatedly attacked for being aloof or uncaring to the plight of teachers’ wages. Let us not forget the local School Board which reeks of politically motivated members with ambiguous intentions. It is only a matter of time before they try to parlay their board tenures into elected office campaigns or paid appointed positions.Public Safety is on the hearts and minds of all Jersey City residents, the recent killings since the new year have citizens nervous, they are scared to open their front doors. The morale in the police department is low. When you have police officers seeking part-time employment at fast food restaurants to support their families, it's a reality check for all citizens that the prosperity in Jersey City is failing to include those who most need an economic lift.For a long time, the fairness in property tax assessments has been inequitable against the City residents on the Southside. Not only have they been overtaxed but they have received less of the city services. The pending Tax Reval will eventually include some tax relief measure for residents who are given drastic tax increases. Our Country and City are built on rewarding the affluent, before the poor-working class.Last night the Young Kennedy gave the rebuttal speech to the President’s State of the Union Address, calling out those determined to keep the country divided.My question is simple:When will leaders amongst civic, community and business leadership emerge to mandate the foundational pillars of our City be addressed in 2018?Fair Taxation, and well-paid teachers and police officers could go a long way in curing the systemic problems embedded in the division and divisiveness of Jersey City.Hope is more than landslide election winsWe still await the roar of Tommie Smith, the independence of Melissa Holloway, and our continued adoration of Glen Cunningham. Young and old, have either witnessed or heard the tales of how political leaders once transformed Jersey City.Where is Our Hope in 2018? Who can collectively lead us without a political agenda?      1 .pagedropcap {float:none;}  GetSubMenuFooter166();  AdGroup11(); GetHighlights2(); AdGroup13();     GetFooterMenu61(); GetContactInformation(); { powered by }  GetGoogleAnalytics('PAGE:alston:_the_pillars_of_hope_are_broken_in_jersey_city');