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Amy has the name but set on making her own path

Amy DeGise
Amy DeGise, Appointed Jersey City School Board Trustee is beginning to carve her own path in the world of Jersey City politics.

Tonight her proud Dad, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise welcomed her into election politics by delivering the keynote speech at fundraiser this evening in Jersey City.

A crowd estimated at 150 people came out to show their support for Amy in next year's school board race. Ms. DeGise was even able to have Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop do a drive by on the way to his Ward B State of the City Address. Rumor has it Fulop stopped by to see a few people who didn't make it to his fundraiser Tuesday night. Lol..(what do you expect from a Half ass reporter R.L. )

Hudson County Executive DeGise was beaming with pride as he expressed Amy is intent on making her own way in the arena of public service.

Amy supporters included public school teachers, JCEA union leadership, as well as strong support from well known Hudson County politicos.

A few months ago I met Amy at the Brian Stack endorsement for Mayor Fulop. At that time she stated she was enjoying her time on the school board and would possibly be seeking a full term on the school board.

Ms.DeGise name has been circulating for months as a possible Ward A Council Candidate. With the JCEA leadership present tonight it's safe bet to assume Amy will be endorsed by the JCEA as one of their school board candidates in November.