Starting at the Jersey City-Bayonne city-line and heading North, it appears that every vacant lot is being developed into a mega two-family home. The ground floor has a garage with space behind for the construction of an illegal third apartment unit. The Jersey City Planning Board in an attempt to stop this development in violation of the zoning of one or two family homes started requiring that the garage be built to accommodate two cars. Sounds like a plan! But, developers now have found a way to continue to build that third illegal apartment. Lawyers are hired to apply for a "c" variance for minimum lot area, rear yard, and front yard set back. We urge the Planning Board to reject the applications for this variance on the grounds that these large and higher buildings will be constructed with space for that third apartment. On Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 280 Grove Street, Jersey City, we urge the Jersey City Planning Board to reject the request for this variance for 195-197 Gates Avenue, Jersey City. Among the reasons to reject this application is the fact that CO and the deed for properties like this will indicate a two family home. God forbid a fire in such an occupied building. There is the opportunity for a home owner's insurance company to reject a claim because of the illegal conversion. And more important is the potential loss of life. There is no doubt about the under staffing of the Jersey City HEDC Department with inspectors to cover all the construction taking place in our city. I urge Housing, Economic Development & Commerce Director Marcos Vigil and the Division Directors to take immediate steps to respond to situations that are reported to the Department. I want to commend Mayor Fulop, Director Vigil, Division Director Cialone for your immediate action to the construction on Pamrapo Avenue. I urge Jersey City residents to report any construction that appears to be in violation of zoning laws to the Department of Housing, Economic Development and Commerce.
Frank Falcicchio