June Jones Trailblazing for All Women                                                         GetGoogleCustomSearch(); AdGroup1(); AdGroup2(); AdGroup3(); AdGroup4(); checkStickyAdCookie();  AdGroup14();             GetHorizontalMenu1();  AdGroup15();  GetLogo();   GetDate(null, '');     #1 Source For Hudson County Political Insider News    GetUnauthorisedAccessText();  start(); GetSubMenuHeader166();  June Jones Trailblazing for All Women  GetArticleDate("1/29/2018");             In the last election cycle women were unifying to make historic gains in elected offices throughout Hudson County.The 2017 elections produced the first African American woman elected to statewide office. Many in Jersey City also believe the election of 3 women to the City Council was historic. But, I am not so sure if this is true, this accomplishment may have taken place in the late 80's or early 90's.As I was touring Hudson County recently I started to marvel at all the development and the creation of new communities being built by private developers. I wondered aloud, how many are owned or run by women.So, I started researching to see how many women are the primary developers of Jersey City projects.The result: One.How many have built residential or commercial development projects from the ground up in Jersey City?Again, the result: One.How many minority women have been designated a developer by the City of Jersey City?Once again, the result: One.Who is this woman? Her name is June Jones, the CEO/Founder of the Morris Canal Development Corp.She has quietly built a track record as a successful developer through her Community Development Corporation, bucking heads with City, County, and State officials over the last 20 years trying to bring affordable housing to the Bergen-Lafayette Communities.Those who know June will tell you she has stood her ground as she watched other development projects be fast-tracked through the approval process.Currently, women across the nation are standing up to fight for equal opportunities in the workplace, equal pay, and overall respect in their professions; locally, we should also look beyond the elected women leaders. We should be looking at our trailblazers, like June Junes, who without the fanfare emerged as the First Primary Woman Housing developer in Jersey City. And, I must also point out a Minority woman.Hey Sam Hawkins! You have accomplished what every Man dreams of, you married Up.      1 .pagedropcap {float:none;}  GetSubMenuFooter166();  AdGroup11(); GetHighlights2(); AdGroup13();     GetFooterMenu61(); GetContactInformation(); { powered by bulletlink.com }  GetGoogleAnalytics('PAGE:june_jones_trailblazing_for_all_women');