Mcknight Launches Bid For Senate ?? Campaign Signs emerge

Angela Challenging Sandy ???
Campaign Signs are starting to appear in Jersey City stating "Angela Mcknight for Senate 2017".

The campaign would seem to indicate that Mcknight is launching a bid for the State Senate in the 31st District. The seat is currently occupied by State Senator Sandra Cunningham.

Many may recall in an interview with Hudson County View a few weeks ago Mcknight stated all options were on the table when asked if she would challenge Cunningham for the Senate Seat.

If Mcknight challenges Cunningham one can expect an all out political war in Jersey City as well in Hudson County.

A strong message is trying to be relayed to Cunningham, with one of the signs being displayed outside the Senator's District Office.

It should be noted Mcknight is having a Fundraiser this week hosted by State Assembly Speaker Prieto. Mcknight may possibly announce her plans than to run the 31st District Senate Seat.

If Mcknight is running for Senate, it would have to be with the endorsement of Mayor Fulop. Fulop could possibly find himself running against Cunningham for Mayor .

Stay Tuned as we are sure developments will emerge fluidly.
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