Image from Congressman Sires website for the JC CARES Act Funding Press Conference
By the Chronicler-In-Chief
Politicos have all witnessed the political bombs levied by The Menendez family against Mayor Fulop for past few years. What we have not ever witnessed is Senator Bob Menendez throwing major "shade" bombs at the Hudson Democratic Leadership for supporting Mayor Steven Fulop's reelection bid.
As one Hudson Pol stated to the Chronicler in Chief, Menendez & Fulop have been engaged in war since Fulop refusal to ante up campaign dollars for Menendez reelection in 2018. Peace was not an option after Fulop did not agree to pay a penance tax to the Senator's campaign coffers.
What has really irked the Senator is the HCDO hierarchy veering from his lead. A North Hudson Pol stated "Bob must be careful, his last Dem Primary proved there is an anti-Menendez vote across the state amongst Dem voters. Do you know who Lisa McCormick is? She received over 40% of the vote in the Dem Primary against Menendez. She spent five thousand dollars without a TV ad nor any backing by the Dem Party. The Senator has to realize no one within the Democratic political hierarchy in Hudson nor the State sees any benefit in supporting Bob Jr. against Fulop at this time".
The Chronicler in Chief believes Senator Menendez was caught off guard by the endorsement given to Fulop by Congressman Albio Sires, which happened to come the same week that HCDO Chairwoman announced she would be running on the Fulop ticket for the Council-at-Large seat. These two political victories basically closed the door on any serious challenge by the Senator's son or anyone else within in the Hudson County Democratic power circle trying to oppose Fulop in 2021.
Fulop is a proven fundraiser and enjoys great relationships with the Big City Urban Mayors in New Jersey. There are some Pols across the State who would possibly lay low if Fulop challenged Menendez in 2024. I will touch on the story of Robert Menendez Jr. more in the coming weeks regarding potential 2021 Jersey City Mayoral bids. I will say he is charismatic and could possibly end up as future elected officeholder in the future.
Here are few political tidbits.
-Who Will Team Fulop run against Solomon in Ward E ? Alex Mirescu, Jake Hudnut, wait, or is there a popular woman candidate emerging ??
-Boggiano versus Tom Zuppa in Ward C, Rich abstaining against the Trump admonishment may prove to be fatal. Also, Zuppa has the network to fundraise.
-Is Lavarro really running for Mayor ??? Can he form a viable ticket?
-Any truth to the whispers Sen. Cunningham will not seek reelection? Who replaces her if it is true? Jerry Walker, Angela McKnight or Joyce Watterman????
-Will Diane Coleman get the nod for Hudson County Register seat again? Could it be offered to Tara Stafford?