No First Latino Police Chief, No First Black Woman Council Prez for Fulop                                                         GetGoogleCustomSearch(); AdGroup1(); AdGroup2(); AdGroup3(); AdGroup4(); checkStickyAdCookie();  AdGroup14();             GetHorizontalMenu1();  AdGroup15();  GetLogo();   GetDate(null, '');     #1 Source For Hudson County Political Insider News    GetUnauthorisedAccessText();  start(); GetSubMenuHeader166();  No First Latino Police Chief, No First Black Woman Council Prez for Fulop  GetArticleDate("1/3/2018");             The stakes are too high, the issues are in urgent need of solutions, but we are 3 days into a new year and the prospect of structural racism and sexism has already reared its ugly head.Over the last 4 years, Jersey City has branded itself as the most inclusive and progressive City in the Northeast. Yet it has left its current Administration with serious questions in regards to its own political policies.First, the well respected Councilwoman Joyce Watterman, was assured she had the full support of the Mayor in her quest to become the first African American woman to be elected Council President.Many are crying foul play, and questioning does the administration respect women of color in an elected positions. Let us not forget during the runoff in December 2017 the Mayor had African American women leaders disavow their support for Chris Gadsden in the Ward B Council race. Sources have told me that many of these women did not want to oppose Gadsden, but did so at the request of the Mayor.However, on Monday behind the scenes, the Fulop Administration assisted Councilman Rolando Lavarro in his desire to remain Council President. Lavarro is a competent and loyal servant to the Fulop agenda. Although many would say the same for Watterman and are now asking why would she get passed over again. Is it possible that the Councilwoman has an independent streak which causes the Fulop Administration to question her ability to stay loyal?Today the Department Cheif Head of Investigations, Micahel Kelly, a 30 year veteran, was promoted Police Chief over North District Commander Edgar Martinez, (who was actively and openly supported by Councilman Daniel Rivera).The Mayor states he wants the police and fire departments to mirror the racial makeup of Jersey City, a city which 53% of its residents are either Black or Latino, today’s Police Chief announcement showed that the mayor believes only white men are capable of this duty.It should be clearly stated that a Fulop loyalist Black woman (let's not forget that Monday wasn't the first time Watterman has been slighted in the past 4 years), and an exemplary leadership record holding Latino Male are simply not the preferred leadership entrusted to carry out the legislative and public safety policies that the Fulop Administration would like to be bestowed upon the “progressive” and “inclusive” City.     submit your comments    1 .pagedropcap {float:none;}  GetSubMenuFooter166();  AdGroup11(); GetHighlights2(); AdGroup13();     GetFooterMenu61(); GetContactInformation(); { powered by }  GetGoogleAnalytics('PAGE:no_first_latino_police_chief,_no_first_black_woman_council_prez_for_fulop');