Standing with a Problem is NOT the Solution                                                         GetGoogleCustomSearch(); AdGroup1(); AdGroup2(); AdGroup3(); AdGroup4(); checkStickyAdCookie();  AdGroup14();             GetHorizontalMenu1();  AdGroup15();  GetLogo();   GetDate(null, '');     #1 Source For Hudson County Political Insider News    GetUnauthorisedAccessText();  start(); GetSubMenuHeader166();  Standing with a Problem is NOT the Solution  GetArticleDate("2/1/2018");             There comes a time when someone must say what others want to say BUT are afraid to say or just too polite to say.With that being said - the Jersey City NAACP and North Jersey Chapter of National Action Network please go sit your A**es down! The public has zero confidence and fading respect for either of your effectiveness in our communities.Yesterday, a few "respected" community leaders stood in solidarity for an issue they believe is merited - the establishment of a Jersey City Civilian Review Board.The establishment of this board is past due, late Councilwoman Melissa Holloway and the late Freeholder and NAACP President, Bill Braker; were both strong advocates for the creation of a Civilian Review Board during the 1990's. At that time neither were able to broker support for its creation.As I watched the video stream of yesterday's solidarity press conference, I became disheartened over the fact that current progressive community leaders aligned themselves with perpetrators of inaction. Over the past two decades, we have witnessed the "proverbial" leaders of inaction speak their own gospel about how dedicated their efforts are to moving the communities forward in Jersey City.Can you name anything that either local NAACP and, it's social justice partner, the North Jersey National Action Network Chapter has addressed and solved in regards to the social justice and civil rights concerns of the Black and Brown people in Jersey City?Both of these chapters are in desperate need of a philosophical overhaul, as well as a revised mission statement to address the ills of our communities.Both entities continue to fail in the area of empowerment, the reigns of leadership should be handed over to visionary progressives who are more aligned with a Post-Civil Rights Era Agenda. We have learned from history dialogue and diplomacy should always be the first weapons deployed in seeking change. Not hastily called Press Conferences in which the architects had no idea the police officer in question for his heinous crime had already resigned from the police department.One has monthly meetings which at times is equivalent to barroom brawls without the liquor, the other has no advertised monthly meetings nor a registration drive for new members.Soapbox activism is the not the answer.Frank Gilmore, Pamela Johnson, and Chris Gadsden - Run from the passive leaders of these organizations. They opt for announcing press conferences to boost their own image of leadership and fail to provide any sustained commitment to aiding the residents of Jersey City and Hudson County.I commend all for carrying the torch that was lit by Holloway and Braker 20 years ago. However, we must ask ourselves if it is the time we break away from these glorified relic symbols of leadership and begin forming a united civil rights and social justice organization, committed to the true advancement of colored people.Stay Tuned, I am hearing a new chapter is on the horizon, anchored by a Young Progressive soul who is ready to lead.      1 .pagedropcap {float:none;}  GetSubMenuFooter166();  AdGroup11(); GetHighlights2(); AdGroup13();     GetFooterMenu61(); GetContactInformation(); { powered by }  GetGoogleAnalytics('PAGE:standing_with_a_problem_is_not_the_solution');