Frank "Educational" Gilmore
Influence and power should be measured by the acts of Leaders striving to change the lives of citizens.
This list includes some of those leaders. However, it also includes those who do nothing but profiteer and provide non-stop lip service leadership to the residents of Hudson County.
The Hudson County Chronicles compiled a list of individuals WE believe at this moment are influential. But, is this for the betterment of our readers or the detriment to the residents Hague County?
1. Jeremy Farrell - Wielded enormous power as Jersey City's Top Attorney for 4 years, now he heads the patronage darling, Jersey City Municipal Utility Authority.
2. Joseph "Poppa Pope" Cardwell - Arguably the last of the old school African American operatives who can recall blacks in their heyday atop political power. A skilled poker player who many wrote off.
3. Eugene McKnight “the Mayweather of Ward F” - Simply wins elections. He remains one of the top GOTV operatives in Hudson County. I'm hearing whispers Gene may call it quits for politics.
4. Muhammad Akil - Former Chief of Staff to Mayor Fulop, was very active during the Mayoral campaign according to ELEC reports. He still remains as Fulop's Top Advisor on Black issues for Now!!
5. Sen. Sandra Cunningham - The first elected official to be featured on this list. In my opinion, an elected official is only as powerful and influential as their Political Advisor and Poppa Cardwell is her Advisor.
6. Priscilla Gardner - Often forgot about in political circles, but she is approaching the half-century mark in service to the Jersey City Public Library System. As the Director she has managed to shield the system and her employees from the Politricks of Hudson County.
7. Michelle Massey – Jackson Hill Main Street Executive Director, the largest Special Improvement District in the State of New Jersey, and perhaps in the United States. If the Southside residents of Jersey City want Inclusive Gentrification, she is the go-to point person.
8. June Jones – The Leader of the Morris Street Canal CDC, one of the few women in the Northeast focusing on Urban Development.
9. Jason Solowsky – The trusted advisor to Mayor Fulop and few other politicos. Though he might not be involved daily in Hudson County, he enjoys considerable respect statewide
10. Jeff Dublin – Once considered politically dead, now he resides as one of the most influential African Americans on the City payroll. He is also a close ally of Councilwoman Denise Ridley.
11. Councilwoman at Large Joyce Watterman - She is ready for a fight, relaying a clear message during the City Hall Black History Month Event that African Americans will not be overlooked.
12. Angela McKnight the Assemblywoman - A frequent subject of The Chronicler in Chief, however, no one can deny she has a solid base amongst seniors. Hardworking and committed, she is considered a very formidable candidate due to her popularity.
13. Earl Morgan - The veteran journalist remains the defacto lead columnist of all things affecting Blacks in Hudson.
14. Patricia Waiters - The Hoboken Activist is one of the most committed advocates we have seen in Hudson County. For the past 25 years, she has been a one-woman voice speaking out against the covert racism in Hudson County.
15. Jersey City Together - We have witnessed the unity of our clergy finally leading the charge to issues of affordability being addressed in Hudson County.
16. Michael Shurin - Publisher of Real Jersey City is not African American. But, if City officials can host Mayor Fulop as an adopted African American leader in the Bethune Center, one has to hail Shurin as one of the leading journalists in exposing the racial, social and economic injustices in Hudson County.
17. Lorenzo Richardson - The Vice President of the Jersey City Board of Education, serving as the progressive voice for minority children.
18. Frank Educational Gilmore - His weekly Sunday Facebook Live Series has attracted viewers from all demographics, this young man may end up on a ballot in 2021.
19. Jermaine Robinson & Denise Ridley - Their influence and power will be measured very quickly. They will be held accountable if violence ticks up in their communities, both represent Wards in which 90% of Jersey City’s crime occurs.
20. Anthony Mitchell - Very quietly the former COS to Assemblyman Charles Mainor, has garnered influence amongst key elected officials in Jersey City, Hudson County and statewide. Likeable and even-keeled, highly favorable to become a future candidate or as a rising operative